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These references are organized in the same style as the references in the Queirolo et al. journal.

  1. Aragona, M. and Setz, E.Z.F. (2001). Diet of maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus (Mammalia: Canidae), during wet and dry seasons at Ibitipoca State Park, Brazil. J. Zool. 254: 131-136.

  2. Arrive. Available from:

  3. Barboza, P.S., Allen, M.E., Rodden, M. and Pjeta, K. (1994). Feed intake and digestion in the Maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus): Consequences for dietary management. Zoo Biology. 13: 375-381.

  4. Biben, M. (1983). Comparative ontogeny of social behaviour in three south American canids, the maned wolf, crab-eating fox, and bush dog: implications fro sociality. Anim. Behav. 31: 814-826.

  5. Bueno A.A., Belentani, S.C.S., and Motta-Junior, J.C. (2003). Feeding ecology of the maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus (illger,1815)(mammalia:canidae), in the ecological station of Itirapina, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. 2(2): unknown. Available at: abstract?article+BN01802022002

  6. Bueno, A.A., and Motta Junior, J.C. (2009). Feeding habits of the maned wolf, Chrysocyon brachyurus (Carnivora: Canidae), in southeast Brazil. 44(2): 67-75.

  7. Childs-Sanford, S.E. and Angel, C.R. (2006). Trasnit time and digestibility of two experimental diets in the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) and domestic dog (canis lupus). Zoo Biology. 25: 369-381.

  8. Facure, K.G., Giaretta, A.A., and Monteiro-Filho, E.L.A. (2003). Food habits of the crab-eating fox, Cerdocyon thous, in an altitudinal forest of the Mantiqueira Range, southeastern Brazil. J. Mammalia. 67(4): 503-511.

  9. Faria-Correa, M., Balbueno, R. A., Vieira, E. M., and de Freitas, T. R. O. (2009). Activity, habitat use, density, and reproductive biology of the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) and comparison with the pampas fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus) in a Restinga area in the southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Mamm. Biol. 74: 220-229.

  10. Hennemann III, W.W., Thompson, S.D., and Konecny, M.J. (1983). Metabolism of crab-eating foxes, cerdocyon thous: ecological influences on the energetics of canids. Physiological Zoology. 56(3): 319-324.

  11. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Available from:

  12. Lauren & Riter. Photo of a maned wolf standing in short green grass. Available from:

  13. Lima Massara, R., de Oliveira Paschoal, A. M., Hirsch, A. and Garcia Chiarello, A. 2012. Diet and habitat use by maned wolf outside protected areas in eastern Brazil. Tropical Conservation Science. 5(3): 284-300. Available online:

  14. Lima Neto, H.R., Chaudhry, A S, and Khan, M.M.H. (2010). Chemical composition of different fractions of Solanum lycocarpum St. Hil. Advances in Animal Biosciences. 1(1): 52-52.

  15. Mansoori, B., Modirsanei, M., Radfar, M., Kiaei, M.M., Farkhoy, M., and Honarzad, J. (2008). Digestibility and metabolizable energy values of dried tomato pomace for laying and meat type cockerels. J. of Animal Feed Science and Technology. 141: 384-390.

  16. McGrosky, A., Navarrete, A., Isler, K., Langer, P., and Clauss, M. (2016). Gross intestinal morphometry and allometry in Carnivora. Eur. J. Wild. Res. 62: 395-405.

  17. Miners, A. (2011). Photo of an adult maned wolf walking through a grassland. Available from:

  18. Morais, M.G. et al. (2015). Antioxidant, antibacterial and cytotoxic potential of the ripe fruits of Solanum lycocarpum A. St. Hil. (Solanaceae). 29(5): 480-483.

  19. Pedo, E., Tomazzoni, A.C., Hartz, S.M. and Christoff, A. U. (2006). Diet of crab-eating fox, Cerdocyon thous (Linnaeus)(Carnivora, Canidae), in a suburban area of southern Brazil. 23(3): 637-641.

  20. Queirolo, D., Moreira, J. R., Soler, J., Emmons, L. H., Rodrigues, F. H. G., Pautasso, A. A., Cartes, J. L., and Salvatori, V. (2011). Historical and current range of the near threatened maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus in South America. Oryx. 45(2): 296-303.

  21. Ramos-Elorduy, J., Moreno, J.M.P., Prado, E.E., Perez, M.A., Otero, J.L. and Guevara, L. (1997). Nutritional value of edible insects from the State of Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of food composition and analysis. 10: 142-157.

  22. Snowkitten, M. (2009). Photo of a crab eating fox lying down casually. Available from:

  23. Tchaicka, L., Eizirik, E., De Oliveira, S. G., Candido, J. F., Freitas, T. R. O. (2007). Phylogeography and population history of the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous). Molecular Ecology. 16: 819-838.

  24. Tereza de Almeida Jacomo, A., Silveira, L., and Diniz-Filho, J. A. F. (2004). Niche separation between the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus), the crab-eating fox (Dusicyon thous) and the hoary fox (Dusicyon vetulus) in central Brazil. J. Zool. 262: 99-106.

  25. Toft, R. Photo of a crab eating fox in Pantanal, Brazil. Available from:

  26. Torralbo, D.F., Batista, K.A., Di-Medeiros, M.C.B., and Fernandes, K.F. (2012). Extraction and partial characterization of Solanum lycocarpum pectin. 27: 378-383.

  27. Torres, R., Jayat, J. P., and Pacheco, S. (2013). Modelling potential impacts of climate change on the bioclimatic envelope and conservation of the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). Mamm. Biol. 78: 41-49.

  28. Williams, J.B., Munoz-Garcia, A., Ostrowski, S., and Tieleman, B.I. (2004). A phylogenetic analysis of basal metabolism, total evaporative water loss, and life history among foxes from desert and mesic regions. J. Comp. Physiology. 174: 29-39.

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